The Archaeological Park of the Roccelleta of Borgia is found to around 1 km by Catanzaro Lido and preserves the rests of the Greek city of Skylletion, remembered by Tucidide. The legenda attributes the foundation of it to Menesteo and subsequently to Ulisse. Roman colony, with the name of Minerva Scolacium, the city, entertained varied buildings of cult, and later he/she saw the construction of the principal monuments to us you notice, dall' amphitheater in the theater. A lot of marmoreal statues are been recovered, today preserved in the Museum.
This last, endowed with rich documentation, it exposes the reverting materials in a temporal arc that goes from the You sec. B.C. to the You d.C.
Always in the Park, even if of following epoch (XI / XII sec.), we find the Norman Basilica.
Bed and Breakfast "Raffaela", in Calabria in province of Catanzaro on the ionic coast between Cropani Marina and Botricello.